For forty years, we have represented Linear Expressionist Jean-Claude Gaugy’s artwork – his signature medium of carved wood paintings, unique hand pulled and hand painted prints, originals on paper and bronze sculpture. And we proudly represent two other artists compatible with the vision and quality we prize. The remarkable Charred Narratives of Kathy Hirshon have found a home with us, as have the reductive woodblock prints of Jean Gumpper.
For many of you, these will be kinds of artworks you have never before encountered. Introducing you will delight us. During many decades, we successfully matched collectors with meaningful and interesting art in our beautiful bricks and mortar space on lower Canyon Road. We have now closed our beautiful old building and decided to expand our gallery purpose.
Today we not only work in the retail gallery business, we also consult with significant national clients, with artists and with other galleries. And, we author art books. Our retail gallery business has moved online and morphed into more individually curated relationships. Email, telephone and zoom keep us in close personal touch with our clients.

Although our headquarters has moved up the street a bit and some methods have changed, our ownership remains the same. Gaugy Gallery is still owned and run by Michelle Gaugy, the business partner (and former wife) of Jean-Claude Gaugy. She is the author of “Art Gallery, How to do it Right” : and “Jean-Claude Gaugy, Linear Expressionist”.
Rest assured that Gaugy Gallery can – and will – find you any art by Jean-Claude Gaugy, Kathy Hirshon or Jean Gumpper – or other atrtists – your heart and home or business desires.